The safest way to increase the penis by a few centimeters is surgery. But not every man is ready to resort to radical measures to become the owner of an impressive penis. Therefore, the question arises, how to enlarge the penis without surgery?
There are many ways. Some work and some don't. Some provide temporary results, while others provide long-term results. But in any case, to achieve penis growth, you will have to spend a lot of time, be patient and stubbornly move towards your goal.
Stretching of the member is performed by different methods. You can resort to exercises for help or use specialized devices - a vacuum pump, extenders. The principle of such methods is the same, they differ only in execution and time to achieve results.
So, how do you enlarge your penis yourself? Consider penis stretching methods, penis massage, hanging weights, use of extenders.
penis stretching methods
It is no secret that the size of the penis affects the quality of sexual life. Despite the fact that there is no clear framework for the normality of size, many men strive for the ideal, in particular, the bigger the better. Various methods are used to fulfill the dream, even the most unusual options such as apitherapy (bee stings) and rolling the penis with a stick.
But such methods are not popular due to the fact that many men are afraid to use them. Yes, there are few reviews. However, there is information on specialized forums that a bee sting helps to increase the volume of the reproductive organ.
Consider more traditional methods of penis enlargement that have a lot of positive feedback:
- Jelq is a set of exercises performed with your own hands. They are focused on stretching the penis in length, increasing its thickness.
- Hanging weights is an ancient method of penis enlargement that has many supporters.
- Massage. This option is aimed at thickening and lengthening the phallus.
- The use of extenders makes it possible to increase the length of the penis.
- The vacuum pump helps to increase the girth, it has little effect on the length.
- Specialized products - ointments, creams, gels and sprays.
- Nozzles on the genitals - give a temporary effect. It is best to use them to diversify your intimate life.
The best way is Jelqing. It has many advantages: performance at home, no special skills required, no need to invest financial resources. Disadvantages include injuries (especially for beginners), it takes a lot of time to train.
Before using the Jelqing technique, the penis is heated - it increases blood circulation, makes tissues more elastic, prone to stretching.
Massage as a way of penis enlargement

It is easy to enlarge the penis with massage, the main thing is to understand what actions should be performed. The purpose of the massage is to lengthen the penis. It cannot be said that there will be an impressive increase in the penis, but the reviews of many men speak positively about the method.
Massage is a stretching movement with the hands. But before the manipulation, it is necessary to warm up the genitals. The easiest way is to do it with a soft cloth. Soak in hot water, squeeze, wrap around the penis for 3-4 minutes. Then the manipulation is repeated again.
After warming up the reproductive organ, you can proceed directly with stretching movements. You need to do the following:
- Gently grasp the head of the penis, pull upwards. One should feel the tension within the organs;
- Let go. Rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 15-20 times;
- Then you need to pull the organ down, right and left;
- After grasping the body of the organ with the whole palm and squeezing - according to the principle of inflating a pear. Such actions increase arterial blood flow, which contributes to the expansion of cavernous bodies;
- The time of the entire training is 20-25 minutes;
NUPs recommend using a soda-based bath before training.
Sodium bicarbonate has an irritating effect, increases blood circulation, which increases the effectiveness of the exercise.
The old-fashioned zoom method: hanging weights

The method works, but there are pitfalls. Hanging weights is perhaps the oldest method of penis enlargement. It works, as confirmed by men's reviews, but the result has to wait a few years. Start training with light loads, gradually increase the load.
If you hang something heavy on an unprepared organ, then instead of increasing the length of the penis, serious injury will occur, for example, rupture of the cavernous bodies. And this is fraught with negative consequences - pain, erectile dysfunction.
Before you hang anything on the member, it must be warmed up. A rope is attached above the head, it is attached with adhesive tape. The rope can be replaced with a bandage or rope. A hook is attached to the end - a load is attached to it, for example:
- Bottle filled with water.
- Book.
- A little trick.
- Heavy vegetables etc.
If the object cannot be attached to the hook, then it is placed in a bag, tied and then attached to the bandage. It is necessary to slowly lower the structure, it is impossible to suddenly throw it - this is a greeting for painful sensations. The duration of the manipulation the first few times is 10-15 minutes, after which the training time increases, the weight of the load increases.
You must add weight gradually. You can also complicate the exercise itself. If at first it is enough to stand, then after that you can walk with a load or make swinging movements (make circular movements with your hips).
In case of reddening of the penis, numbness of the head, the lesson is immediately interrupted, the penis is massaged.
Stretching exercises to lengthen the penis

There are many exercises that can be done at home that help increase the length of the penis. They are also effective for slow erection, because they normalize blood circulation.
The "incline stretch" exercise. It is necessary to grasp the base of the head with your fingers, pull the penis out of the pubis, and fix it in this position for 15 seconds. After the organ is pulled in different directions, tension must be maintained in each direction. The session continues until discomfort appears. When the penis gets "tired", it is necessary to stop.
Practice shows that every time it turns out to pull the genital organ further and further, while fixing it for a long time. The load must be added gradually, because the injury will delay the onset of the desired result.
Other options for penis enlargement at home:
- Stretching in a circle. Achieve 80% erection. Less is not effective. Grasp the bottom of the head with your fingers, pull it forward - freeze for 5 seconds. Then you need to make circular movements clockwise - about 2 minutes, after - counterclockwise. For the first exercise, 25 rotations are enough. At the end of training, it is necessary to do a massage - it normalizes blood circulation. Such activity helps to increase the volume of the cavernous bodies, which contributes to the enlargement of the penis at rest and during erection;
- Sitting stretches. Training is performed on an upright member - 40-50%. They pull the penis towards the anus and then gently sit on it. This lesson reveals the pressure on the corpora cavernosa, which helps increase the reproductive organ in two directions - length and thickness. The first time you can sit for 5 minutes. The ideal time is 20-30 minutes. Some men perform such an exercise on their side, while others even fall asleep peacefully during the training;
- The V-stretch is done on a relaxed penis. With one hand they hold the base of the head, with the other they grasp the base of the trunk on the pubis - move it towards the head, then back. In order for the exercise to lead to the desired result, the head must be held firmly enough. At first it will be very uncomfortable, even painful.
In addition to the described methods, you can use an extender. The device works in the same way as the exercises. Regular use leads to an increase in the length of the penis. If you want an immediate result, this is where enlargement nozzles (sold in adult stores) will help.